Conservatives' irrational crime laws make no sense, cost billions of dollars
Neil Boyd
Vancouver Sun
July 5, 2010
Conservatives' irrational crime laws make no sense, cost billions of dollars #druppolicy
Monday, July 12, 2010 |
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About Mark Haden

Mark Haden currently works for Vancouver Coastal Health, Addiction Services, and has worked in detox, methadone and outpatient settings in both counseling and supervisory roles for over 20 years. Mark is a pivotal voice in the drug policy reform movement, providing viable, coherent models for reforming drug education and regulating markets for currently illegal substances.
Mark's listserv has become an invaluable hub of information about drug policy and reform efforts. This blog will serve as an archive for future mailings.
Mark's listserv has become an invaluable hub of information about drug policy and reform efforts. This blog will serve as an archive for future mailings.
Visit Mark's personal website here:
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Drug Policy Resources
- BC Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
- Canada Headlines
- Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Canadian Media Awareness Project
- Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy
- Common Sense for Drug Policy
- DRCN Drug Library
- Drug Policy Alliance
- Drug Sense
- Educators for Sensible Drug Policy
- Human Rights and the Drug War
- Institute for Policy Studies - Drug Policy
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
- Marijauan Policy Project
- Media Awareness Project
- Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
- Students for Sensible Drug Policy
- Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Why Prohibition
- Youth Rise
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