FW: Call for Abstracts CDAR - Potential merits of the psychedelic experience - with a special focus on addiction

Thursday, June 19, 2014 | | 0 comments




Dear researcher, 


We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to submit a review about your psychedelic interests for publication in "Current Drug Abuse Reviews (CDAR)". The OPEN Foundation have found Ruud Kortekaas, PhD willing to be guest editor for a special issue entitled "Potential merits of the psychedelic experience - with a special focus on addiction". We strongly welcome authors to write a review that fits in this thematic issue. 


This journal is indexed in: Chemical Abstracts, Google, Google Scholar, Genamics JournalSeek, MediaFinder, Standard Periodical Directory, Scopus, EMCare, EMBASE, MEDLINE, but does not have an impact factor according to ISI. In 2010, the articles were cited 2.9 times on average. See: http://benthamscience.com/journal/index.php?journalID=cdar , where you can also find publication guidelines. 


Regular publishing is free of charge, but open access publishing will cost you or your institution a publication fee, to be announced later.


If you are interested in contributing, please send us a preliminary title and an estimated number of words (minimum 3000, maximum 40.000), before July 15th. As we are aiming to publish this special issue this year, we hope that you can deliver the full text before August 31st, so there will be some time for peer-review and revision. If you have any questions and/or doubts, please feel free to contact us. Kind regards, 



Pieter Stokkink 

OPEN Foundation 





In Praise of Psychedelics: Rick Doblin and the MAPS Project

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 | | 0 comments










In Praise of Psychedelics: Rick Doblin and the MAPS Project


During the 1960s and 1970s, a number of therapists conducted experiments using psychedelic drugs. The research was promising, but widespread ...