David Bratzer on /A\ TV News

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | |

The video on this one is must-watch.



VicPD Officer Ordered to Stay Quiet

[Embedded Video]

VICTORIA - The BC Civil Liberties Association has filed a complaint against the Victoria Police Department for muzzling one of its officers.

Constable David Bratzer was scheduled to speak at a harm reduction meeting in Victoria tomorrow representing the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

He is one of more than 16 thousand police officers, jail guards and former judges who believe governments should regulate the selling and distribution of drugs and not organized crime.

Bratzer says the war on drugs is not winnable and is doing more harm than good.

He has testified at a Senate Committee in Ottawa and has given many public speeches and interviews.

But the Chief of the Victoria Police Department doesn't want him to share those views at home.

Every time Bratzer speaks it's on his own time, out of uniform and he makes it clear; these are his opinions.

The department says it people would be confused if Bratzer was to speak on an issue of public policy. VicPD believes people would not be able to distinguish between Bratzer's opinions and those of the department.

VicPD does not explain why those same people would not be confused by Bratzer's appearances on You Tube videos and his comments in newspaper interviews.

Tom Angell, Media Relations Director
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Washington, D.C.
phone: (202) 557-4979 // e-mail: tom@leap.cc
AIM: ThisIsTomAngell // GChat: tomangell

Videos of LEAP cops: http://YouTube.com/CopsSayLegalizeDrugs
LEAP on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CopsSayLegalize
LEAP on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CopsSayLegalizeDrugs


Attachment: http://drugsense.org/temp/Fp6s8YBGOXJ6.html


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